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Why we use water fed pole systems for window cleaning

Most people will be familiar with the traditional squeegee and soap method of window cleaning but things have moved on in recent years.

These days we use use a telescopic pole with a brush attached to the end through which purified water is fed from a pump system, which is then sprayed through the brush.

Some of our customers have had a bad experience with other companies providing water fed pole cleaning but this is often down to the operator and not the cleaning method. Impure water, low water pressure or inexperience could all be to blame.

We think water fed pole beats traditional window cleaning hands down and here are just a few reasons why:

We Can Reach Your Highest and Trickiest Windows

Using ladders to reach very high windows isn’t always safe. With a water fed pole we can reach windows up to 15 metres off the ground.

Water fed pole cleaning helps us get to the other parts of your home that we just couldn’t reach using the traditional method.

We Can Work Whatever the Weather

Climbing slippery ladders in the rain is dangerous. So a window cleaner might not be able to clean your windows using traditional methods on a rainy day.

There’s no such problem with the water fed pole method, however. We can work to clean your windows whatever the weather. And, because rain water is pure water (unlike tap water which has lots of things added to it), it won’t affect the results.

Windows are Cleaner for Longer

The traditional window cleaning method poses two problems for the long term cleanliness of your windows.

Sometimes dirt is left in the crevices of your window frame. When it rains this dirt can become dislodged and leave streaks on your windows.

Secondly, traditional window cleaning uses detergents. If these aren’t fully washed away, they leave a film on your windows that can attract dust and dirt.

With water fed pole cleaning, you don’t experience either of these problems. Specialised brushes help us to do a deep clean of your window frames and sills. And we only use purified water. So no dirt or detergent is ever left behind.

It’s Eco-Friendly

As we’ve mentioned, traditional window cleaning uses detergents. Inevitably these run off into the area surrounding your property and pose a risk to the local ecosystem.

The water fed pole method uses just pure water, which is much kinder to the environment.

In the right hands, water fed pole window cleaning leaves incredible results. It’s safe, kind to the environment and allows our window cleaners to reach all the windows around your home.

So all in all, we believe that the customer gets better results and value for money which is what we always strive for at Fresh Outlook Windows Ltd.

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